Dec 16, 2019 Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora Connect To VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal If you used the installation method covered in our guide, the vpn script used to connect, disconnect, and check the status of VPN is located in the directory below. Boot2Docker is an OS X app used to create a virtual environment for docker. Docker only runs on Linux, so Boot2Docker installs a VM on your mac (using virtual box) and a client that runs locally to communicate with the VM. I downloaded this and followed instructions. You basically just install it with a few clicks. Install Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu / Debian / Fedora Connect To VPN Server with Cisco AnyConnect from Linux Terminal If you used the installation method covered in our guide, the vpn script used to connect, disconnect, and check the status of VPN is located in the directory below.
Boot2Docker is an OS X app used to create a virtual environment for docker. Docker only runs on Linux, so Boot2Docker installs a VM on your mac (using virtual box) and a client that runs locally to communicate with the VM.
I downloaded this and followed instructions. You basically just install it with a few clicks. Once installed, boot2docker will be in your application folder. You click on it and it in the applications folder and you are ready to go. It kicks off its own terminal window. Since I use iTerm2, I just start it like so:
boot2docker up
This will give you a few environment variables to export: